“ Dr. Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia Hospital Paediatrician and Newborn Specialist Seyhan Erişir Oyguncu MD. underlined the importance of “ 6 October World Cerebral Palsy Day “

Dr. Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia Hospital Paediatrician and Newborn Specialist Seyhan Erişir Oyguncu MD. on the occasion of the “ 6 October World Cerebral Palsy Day “ made a statement about the causes of the disease and the importance of social awareness . Seyhan Erişir Oyguncu MD. said that cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of permanent movement disorders that appear in early childhood and it is caused by damage to or abnormal development of certain brain areas that controls the movement, balance and posture.

Paediatrician and Newborn Specialist Seyhan Erişir Oyguncu MD. said that “This damage can occur during pregnancy, during birth, or after birth “ and World Cerebral Palsy Day’s vision is to ensure that individuals with cerebral palsy have the same rights, access and opportunities as anyone else in society and it is designed to spread awareness.

Oygucu stressed that risk factors of cerebral palsy includes prematurity, multiple pregnancy, infections and exposure to toxic chemicals during pregnancy, complicated delivery, jaundice, head traumas, encephalitis and meningitis. Dr. Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia Hospital Paediatrician and Newborn Specialist Seyhan Erişir Oyguncu MD. stated that inherited factors are thought to contribute to approximately 2% of cases and malnutrition, osteoporosis, sleep disorders, depression, intellectual disability and anxiety can accompany the disease. Seyhan Erişir Oygucu MD. said that there are experimental treatments such as stem cell therapies for this non-progressive disorder.

Oygucu stated that intellectual potential of people with cerebral palsy may not become apparent until school and they are likely to have learning disorders, but have normal intelligence level. Seyhan Erişir Oygucu MD. reminded that early supportive therapies, education and rehabilitation have positive influence on brain development and pediatric neurology specialist, orthopaedist, physiotherapist, dietician and other healthcare providers play an active role in coordination with the child’s family for the treatment. Paediatrician and Newborn Specialist Seyhan Erişir Oyguncu MD. ended her statement by adding that : ” Physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, water therapy, drugs to relax muscle spasms, surgical intervention, physiological support enhance the quality of life for each patient and allow them to live independently. “