“If You May Be At Risk For Kidney Disease, Consider Scheduling A Kidney Screening”

“World Kidney Day” is celebrated annually on the second Thursday in March. 850 million people worldwide are now estimated to have kidney diseases from various causes. Chronic kidney diseases (CKD) cause at least 2.4 million deaths per year and are now the 6th fastest growing cause of death. We asked the following questions about kidney health to Dr. Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia Hospital Internal Medicine Specialist Züheyla Özer Yazgan;

World Kidney Day is celebrated on 14th of March this year. On this occasion, what would you like to tell us about chronic kidney failure?
Chronic kidney disease is increasingly recognized as a global public health problem. It is estimated that 10% of adults worldwide have a kidney disease.

Is it possible to detect the disease at an early stage?
Yes, it is possible to detect the disease at an early stage with simple blood and urine tests. Chronic kidney failure is often an insidious condition that remains unrecognized until it is severe  due to low awareness of signs.

At this stage what are the available treatment methods?
For patients with kidney failure which is the final stage of the disease, regular hemodialysis and kidney transplantation are vital treatment options. However, there is a risk of disability and death for the patient and also treatment cost of late-stage CKD patients is a heavy burden on the health economy.

Is it possible to prevent chronic kidney disease?
I would like to point out that the most effective way to prevent the negative consequences of chronic kidney disease is to implement national disease management program based on prevention of the disease rather than treatment. In this context, the implementation of healthy lifestyle changes will lead to a higher percentage of control of the disease. For this; we should exercise regularly, maintain a healthy diet and our ideal body weight, reduce salt intake, drink enough water, avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. With the regular screening and effective treatment of the people who are more at risk for chronic kidney disease, it is possible to prevent the development and progress of  the disease.

Who is at risk?
Those with diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular problems, family history of CKD, and also overweight individuals and older adults are more likely to have risk.  If you may be at risk for kidney disease, consider scheduling a kidney screening. “