Patients with Asthma should regularly visit a Chest Diseases Specialist

World Asthma Day is an annual event held on the first Tuesday of May. We have come together with Dr. Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia Hospital Infectious Diseases Specialist Dr. Hakan Evren on the occasion of World Asthma Day which is organized in order to raise awareness about the disease and to spread information, and asked the following questions:

What is Asthma?
Asthma is a chronic lung disease and it’s symptoms include shortness of breath, wheezing and couging. Some stimuli may cause non-microbial infections due to hypersensitivity in the upper respiratory. This causes attacks which can vary from person to person. Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases. The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 350 million people have asthma and this number is increasing. This increase is more evident especially in children.

What are the factors which trigger asthma?
Major factors; upper respiratory tract infections such as colds, flu, unexpected heat and climate changes, exercise, smoking, household dust, workplace exposures, mold, fungi, food allergens, other allergens such as animal hair, some types of medication, emotional stress, flower dusts, air pollution and some odors (such as perfume, deodorant, paint, detergent, bleach smell) and irritant gases.

Can asthma be treated?
It is not possible to completely treat asthma. However, the disease can be controlled with regular follow-up and treatment. Therefore, patients should regularly check with a Chest Diseases specialist and apply the treatments correctly. However, it is very important to avoid triggering factors in order to control the disease. As a result, the frequency of hospitalizations and emergency department visits will reduce.