Protecting individuals from possible diseases is a priority of Public Health

Dr. Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia Hospital General Practitioner Aziz Okay Tabuk made a statement about the ‘’3-9 September Public Health Week’’ and stressed that World Health Organization (WHO) has defined the ‘health” as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not only the absence of disease and infirmity. Tabuk stated that on the other hand ‘Public Health, provides protection from diseases, prolongation of life, physical and mental health as part of science and art by creating a living level that will protect the health of each individual. General Practitioner Aziz Okay Tabuk also stated that this goal can be achieved through organized studies by improving the environmental conditions, providing information about health to individuals, providing protection against diseases, improving health practices and using social studies of health organizations.

Dr. Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia Hospital General Practitioner Aziz Okay Tabuk said that ‘early diagnosis and treatment of the frequent public health problems that cause most mortality and disability, rehabilitation and protection of healthy individuals from possible diseases, are the priorities of public health’. Aziz Okay Tabuk noted that social, biological and physical reasons should be taken into consideration because an agent alone is not sufficient to cause diseases, and priority should be given to important diseases in planning health services, spending resources, providing services.

Tabuk emphasized that according to the understanding of public health; health is an innate human right, therefore, regardless of race, language, religion, gender, and social situation, everyone should have an equal opportunity to access and benefit from health services.

Our lifestyle shapes our health
The purpose of this week is the emphasize the importance of public health, preventive health services and screening programs, also to raise the importance and awareness of health needs and the conducted studies. Dr. Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia General Practitioner Aziz Okay Tabuk gave some reminders:

  • The following four basic food groups should be consumed daily; Milk and dairy products, carbohydrates containing cereal products, meat, fish, eggs containing proteins, vegetables and fruits.
  • The “physical activity” that becomes a habit in each individuals life is beneficial for health. WHO recommends physical exercise (e.g. walking) for at least 150 minutes per week. Some changes can be made in our daily life so that physical exercise can become a “normal” behaviour in our life.
  • To protect against the harmful effects of the sun, especially in hot countries such as Cyprus, the sun should be avoided during 10: 00-16: 00 or precaution should be taken.
  • Regular and adequate sleep is essential for health. For a healthy sleep make sure the room is quiet and dark, remove electronic devices such as TVs, avoid caffeine and do not go to bed if you are not feeling sleepy.
  • Developing the ability to cope with stress is important. It should not be forgotten that it is not always possible to eliminate the stressful situation. “
  • Routine check-ups are also important for public health.