The Cause of Anaemia Must be Determined Before Anaemia Treament

Dr. Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine Specialist Dr. Züleyha Özer stated that anaemia, which is one of the most common blood diseases, can be overlooked due to similar symptoms with other health problems; therefore, many patients do not realize that they are anaemic, and that if not treated, it can lead to serious health problems.

Spec. Dr. Züleyha Özer: "Anaemia is a symptom, not a disease."
Anaemia is a clinical condition that causes a decrease in the total number of red blood cells the amount of haemoglobin in the red blood cells, or a combination of both. Dr. Züleyha Özer stated that anaemia should be examined very carefully and its cause should be determined since it is a symptom, not a disease. Spec. Dr. Züleyha Özer stated that many patients do not realize that they are anaemic, and added that one of the main causes of the disease is not getting enough vitamins and minerals required by the body as a result of a healthy and balanced diet and thus and not being able to make enough blood.

Anaemia Symptoms
Spec. Dr. Züleyha Özer provided information about the symptoms of the disease, stating: “The disease may show symptoms such as palpitations, spinning head, headache, fainting, restricted movements, dizziness, broken nails, white lines and spoon nails, weakness, fatigue, exhaustion, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, excessive sleeping, decrease in body temperature and paleness of the skin.”

Spec. Dr. Züleyha Özer: "The first thing to do for the treatment of anaemia is to determine the type and cause."
Stating that attempts are often made to treat anaemia with iron and vitamin supplements as soon as it is diagnosed, Spec. Dr. Züleyha Özer noted that there are numerous types and causes which contribute to anaemia, so the condition causing the anaemia should be determined first. Spec. Dr. Züleyha Özer continued by stating: “Apart from iron deficiency, which is a widely known cause of anaemia, B12 and folic acid deficiency, rapid destruction of blood cells and failure of the bone marrow for any reason can also lead to anaemia. Especially for adult patients with anaemia which is caused by iron deficiency, endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal system and treatment should be performed according to the detected pathology. Treatment with vitamin supplements is possible for anaemia caused by iron and vitamin deficiencies.