
A step is the name given to the time that passes between the lifting of the foot and putting the foot back on the ground. Walking is the process of movements consisting of harmonious steps which keeps the body in balance. Limping is a deficiency in walking. The main reasons for limping are; problems in the joints, deficiencies in the tibia and femur bones, deficiencies in the foot and pain. Children and adults have differing reasons for limping.

Limping in children
Hip dislocations in children, from birth, now known as hip dysplasia, cause limping. The early diagnosis of this disorder is conducted by taking a hip ultrasonography of the newborn when they are 1 months old. Limping may occur due to a broken femur bone or due to the perthes disease caused by the tip of the deformation of the tip of the tibia bone veins.

In adults the most common hip problem that causes limping is hip arthritis caused by the calcification of the hip.

Take care to ensure children consume vitamin D
Bowleggedness in children can be caused due to lack of vitamins (especially vitamin D). This will create problems in the knee as the child grows older. The bowleggedness found in children’s routine checkups and is treated by simple vitamin supplements. This prevents calcification in the knees for when they become adults.

If the reason for limping is known, there are many ways and methods to relax the patient.