Radiological Imaging Device 3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging System now at Dr. Suat Günsel Medical Faculty Hospital of University of Kyrenia

Dr. Suat Günsel Kyrenia University Medical Faculty Hospital of which the technical equipment and infrastructure is to be completed very soon, is bringing in the latest and the most advanced 3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI ) device which has a very important function in imaging and diagnosis of the diseases in the body, organs, bones and other tissues, to Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

According to a press statement released from the Press and Public Relations Directorate of University of Kyrenia, the 3T MRG device has a more advanced feature than other low-Tesla MRI devices, and can process images in higher resolution and much faster than ther devices. These features help to reduce the time of patients staying in the device and helps to early detection of even the smallest lesions in high resolution images, and allow a better planned execution of the treatment process for the physician.