20-year-old Yusuf Çınık, who had no known disease before and had a seizure (epilepsy seizure) for the first time in his life, was under treatment at Dr. Suat Günsel Kyrenia University Hospital when he opened his eyes. In the first examination, it was determined that he had a tumor in the brain area that allows the movement of his left arm and leg. Functional MRI and tractography examinations were performed to plan the treatment of this tumor, which carries a high risk of paralysis. The patient’s clinical characteristics and examination results were evaluated by a medical council consisting of Prof. Dr. Özgür Çelik (Brain and Nerve Surgery Specialist), Prof. Dr. Nail Bulakbaşı (Radiology Specialist), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pınar Gelener (Neurology Specialist), Assoc. Dr. Bülent Barış Güven (Anesthesiologist). As a result of the evaluations, the patient was diagnosed with “Premotor – Motor Cortex Tumor” and tumor removal with awake brain surgery’ was recommended by Prof. Dr. Özgür Çelik.
During this sophisticated surgery, which can be performed in a few centers in the world, the entire head area of the patient is rendered painless. The patient does not receive general anesthesia and remains awake throughout the procedure. During the tumor removal phase, brain functions are monitored through continuous neurological examination and electrophysiological evaluations. Thus, dangerous stages that may pose a risk of permanent paralysis during the surgery are immediately reported to the surgeon, thus avoiding the risk of developing sequelae.
Surgery was successfully carried out by Prof. Dr. Özgür Çelik and his team. During the removal of tumor tissue, the patient’s neurological examination findings and brain functions were constantly checked by Assoc. Prof. Pınar Gelener (Neurology Specialist). All vital signs of the patient, who remained awake throughout the surgery, were monitored by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bülent Barış Güven (Anesthesiologist). After the successful and trouble-free surgery, Yusuf Çınık got rid of the tumor in his brain and regained his health.
Yusuf Çınık, who regained his health after the awake brain tumor surgery performed at Dr. Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia Hospital, said, “Although I was awake during the surgery, I did not feel any pain, I was not disturbed at all.” After his brain surgery, Yusuf Çınık was conscious and went directly to the inpatient ward without even going into intensive care. The patient, whose service follow-up was uneventful, was discharged and returned to his country.

Prof. Dr. Nail Bulakbaşı: “With the functional MRI technique we used to plan awake brain tumor surgery, we can image the functional points of the brain and their contacts with the tumor in millimetric details.”
Dr. Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia Hospital Chief Physician and Radiology Specialist Prof. Dr. Nail Bulakbaşı said, “With the functional MRI technique we use during the diagnosis and treatment planning phase, we can determine which part of the brain is stimulated by the movements we make the patient perform during the MRI procedure.” Prof. Dr. Nail Bulakbaşı stated that the three-dimensional images were successfully uploaded to the neuronavigation device in the operating room and with the use of these images, the tumor in the brain was successfully removed.

Dr. Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia Hospital, Department of Brain and Nerve Surgery Specialist Prof. Dr. Özgür Çelik underlined that they prefer the awake craniotomy technique, especially in surgeries of brain regions where intolerable sequelae will occur if damaged. Prof. Dr. Çelik emphasized that they kept the patient awake and constantly examined him during the surgery. Prof. Dr. Özgür Çelik said, “In this way, we minimize the risk of permanent damage that may occur during the surgery.” Prof. Dr. Çelik also touched upon the importance of patient selection in awake craniotomy surgeries and pointed out that this is important for the patient to adapt to surgery and tolerate this process.