Assist. Prof. Dr. Tijen ATAÇAĞ
Gynaecological Diseases and Obstetrics

Field of Speciality

  • Special Subject: Gynecology and Obstetrics

Education and Experience

  • 2013; Near East University Faculty of Medicine(Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics), Assistant Professorship
  • 1996; Dr. Zekai Tahir Burak Gynaecology Hospital(Gynaecology), Doctorate / Specialisation
  • 1991; Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Post Graduate
  • 1984; Nicosia Türk Maarif College
  • 1978; Şehit Tuncer Primary

Scientific Studies

A. Articles Published in İnternationally Reviewed Journals:

  1. Coexisting anal human papilloma virus infection in heterosexual women with cervical HPV infection
  2. Association of speculum lubrication with pain and Papanicolaou test accuracy
  3. Diagnostic value of thrombocytosis and high CA 125 level in women with adnexal masses.
  4. Evaluation of Thyroid Autoimmunity in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
  5. Effects of low molecular weight heparins and unfractionated heparin on viability of human umbilical vein endothelial cells
  6. An analysis of Turkey's scientific contribution in ovarian cancer research.
  7. Hpv And Vaccination
  8. Extra-abdominal removal of placenta during cesarean section: a prospective randomized controlled trial of a novel technique
  9. Is maternal Vitamin D associated with gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnant women in Cyprus?
  10. Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism
  11. Validation of Turkish version of Premenstrual Symptoms Impact Survey™(PMSIS™) for assessing status of premenstrual syndrome in women of reproductive age
  12. Measuring ovarian volume during cesarean delivery provides valuable information about future ovarian function and reproductive capacity
  13. Asymptomatic bacteriuria screened by catheterized samples at pregnancy term in women undergoing cesarean delivery.
  14. Sezaryen doğum esnasında yumurtalık hacminin ölçülmesi gelecek daha sonraki yumurtalık işlevi ve gebelik potansiyeli hakkında değerli bilgi sağlayabilir
  15. Bibliometric analysis of publications on polycystic ovary syndrome and Turkey’s scientific contribution
  16. Original research-Orijinal araştırma
  17. Measuring ovarian volume during cesarean delivery provides valuable information about future ovarian function and pregnancy potential
  18. Association of Speculum Lubrication with Pain and Papanicolaou Test Accuracy (vol 25, pg 798, 2012)
  19. Gastrointestinal stromal tumor mimicking gynecological mass: A case report

B.Proceedings that are presented in international scientific meetings and are published in their book of proceedings:

  • Hpv And Vaccination
  • Measuring ovarian volume during cesarean delivery provides valuable information about future ovarian function and pregnancy potential
  • The increasing role of endometriosis in abdominal wall nodules related to high ratio of primary cesarean delivery: two case reports

C. Books or Chapters Written on an International Level:

D. Articles Published in Nationaly Reviewed Journals:

  • Ataçağ T, Yayci E, Güler ÖT, Baş KK, Çiftçi O. Conservative Management of Massive Ovarian Hemorrhage Complicating Oral Anticoagulation after Oocyte Retrival in an IVF Patient

E. Proceedings that are presented in national scientific meetings and are published in their book of proceedings:

  1. ls maternal vitamin D associated with gestational diabef^s mellitus in pregnant women in Cyprus
  2. Human Papilloma Virus Aşılarının Uygulanmasında Bariyer Oluşturabilecek Yanlış Bir Bilgi
  3. "OPU sonrası intraabdominal kanama",
  4. "Çift amniyotik kese"
  5. Over Rezervi ve Gebelik Potansiyelinin Değerlendirilmesi Açısından Sezaryen Doğum Sırasında Over Boyutlarının Ölçümü
  6. Persistent right umblical vein: a case report

F.Other Publications

G. Dedications:

  • Coexisting anal human papilloma virus infection in heterosexual women with cervical HPV infection
    T Guler, D Uygur, M Uncu, E Yayci, T Atacag, K Bas, M Gunay, C Yakicier
    Archives of gynecology and obstetrics 288 (3), 667-672
  • Association of speculum lubrication with pain and Papanicolaou test accuracy
    D Uygur, T Guler, E Yayci, T Atacag, C Comunoglu, GM Kuzey
    The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 25 (6), 798-804
  • Diagnostic value of thrombocytosis and high CA 125 level in women with adnexal masses.
    T Atacag European journal of gynaecological oncology 33 (5), 517-520
  • Evaluation of Thyroid Autoimmunity in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus SS Inancli, E Yayci, T Atacag, M Uncu JOURNAL OF DIABETES & METABOLISM 7 (6)
  • Effects of low molecular weight heparins and unfractionated heparin on viability of human umbilical vein endothelial cells T Guler, ZA Polat, E Yayci, T Atacag, A Cetin Archives of gynecology and obstetrics 287 (2), 217-222
  • An analysis of Turkey's scientific contribution in ovarian cancer research. T Guler, E Yayci, T Atacag, A Cetin European journal of gynaecological oncology 34 (2), 175-178